October 18, 2022 Marks 50 Years for Nelson Irrigation
Inspired with a passion to improve the state-of-the-art of agricultural irrigation, Bart Nelson founded Nelson Irrigation Corporation with the help and support of his father, Russell.
To design and manufacture innovative products focused on saving water, saving energy and doing a better job of irrigating - he has been committed to this end from the beginning. Products purposely engineered on the customers’ behalf have powered the Company’s drive to continuously improve.
Fortunate to be innovators in an industry of relationships where all are aligned with principled goals – producing more food and fiber with less water and energy, increasing productivity and profitability for customers, and being part of the solution and not the problem to our planet – we take pride in our work and are anchored in our purpose.
As we prepare to celebrate a 50 year milestone for our founder and the Company, we are grateful for the incredible team of employees, committed suppliers, and incredible customers and partners around the globe that have made my dad's vision possible.
Designed and Built in Walla Walla, Washington U.S.A.
Reid A. Nelson