PivotMapper™ - The basic app is now free!
- Map the location of center pivots
- Upload charts and specifications of the center pivot
- Securely share information in teams
- Access the information virtually
You work in the field. You need geo-specific data related to water application details at your fingertips - for irrigation, fertigation, chemigation, service work, etc.
Designed for irrigation dealers, growers, irrigators, agronomists, and crop input providers – teams of people.
Trouble keeping track of your pivot irrigation sprinkler package design (SprinklerChart®)? …Sitting in your pickup needing information on the Percent Timer Data for an application now!...but the SprinklerChart® is at the office in the file cabinet... Solution: We developed PivotMapper™ so and teams can access that information from any device online to securely, map, upload charts, access and share SprinklerChart® information with those you choose.