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Center Pivot Irrigation Sprinklers

A Family of Products for a Multitude of Needs

Vast differences in crops, soils, farming practices and climatic conditions worldwide, coupled with regional differences in the availability of water and energy require an array of sprinkler performance characteristics. No reason to get overwhelmed - there is the perfect solution for you - we’ll help you find it.

Why Rotator® Technology Reigns.
  • 30+ Years Field-Proven
  • Best in Class at Getting Water in the Ground
  • Mounts Up-Top or On Drops
  • Low Pressure Options Available
  • Modular Design Centered Around 3TN & 3NV Nozzles
  • Widest Throw Distance Available on Drops
  • Highest Uniformity
  • Precision Engineered & Manufactured for Long Wear Life
  • Part-Circle Version Available
  • GeoCropical® Solutions

Radius is King

Radius is King

Center pivot irrigation systems today are designed with the capability of 90%+ uniformity levels. Soil water infiltration is now the hot topic. In terms of best-in-class at getting water in the ground, throw radius is the crucial component. The science backs this up. Multiple trajectory, rotating stream technologies produce specifically engineered droplets. Droplets that complement the travel of the pivot – gentler droplets under the machine and optimally sized wind fighting droplets ahead and behind the machine. Longer soak time delivered in a cycle and soak manner…even in the wind. Rotator® technology continues to deliver.

Up-Top or On Drops

The center pivot offers the perfect platform for sprinklers to deliver water — the right amount in the right way. Contact us to help you find the solution that is right for your particular needs.