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Nelson Big Gun® Sprinklers are the right one for this dirty job.

High temperatures and low humidity can fill feedlots with harmful manure dust. That dust can be controlled with a combination of scraping manure and watering down debris, but overwatering can cause odor problems that are even worse than dust, and uniformity of water coverage is important to preventing standing water. The Big Gun Sprinkler operates at a wide range of pressures and flow rates to achieve maximum uniformity, keeping cattle healthy and feedlot operations running smoothly.

Nelson Big Gun Sprinklers can be reliably automated using Nelson Control Valves and TWIG® Wireless Control Systems.

Keep cattle cool with integrated irrigation.

Cooling is a major benefit of feedlot irrigation. Livestock cooling increases feed consumption and reduces overheating. With a variety of nozzle sizes and types available, Big Gun systems can be adjusted to allow for changes in the climate and seasons, keeping feedlots cool year-round. Sequencing your Big Guns also tends to move the cattle up to the bunkers several times a day, encouraging movement and promoting healthier eating habits.

Low and adjustable trajectory options can be used to water underneath shade structures.

Designing feedlots with irrigation in mind.

Permanent solid set Big Gun Sprinkler systems are the perfect way to control feedlot dust. Ideally, they’re installed along the fence line or with protective risers inside of the pen at least 6' (2m) high. The best systems use wireless automation to quickly cycle the sprinklers without creating puddles or mud holes. This is accomplished using Nelson Control Valves and TWIG® Wireless Control Systems. Combined, the equipment lets you cycle across lots and adapt to varying wind conditions, making management even easier. The flexibility and labor-saving efficiency this automation offers make irrigating your feedlot extremely cost-effective over time.

Automated solid set Big Gun Sprinklers maintain optimal feedlot conditions.


