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Linears are used where the land value is high and all the area within a rectangular property must be irrigated. The structure of a linear is very similar to the structure of a pivot, except the drive mechanism is designed for straight operation and the machine must be able to connect to a water source for the entire length of its run. It can be hose-fed from hydrants or ditch-fed from a canal.

In linear irrigation, sprinklers are mounted at constant intervals along the machine. They can be mounted up-top or on drops. For drop solutions, choose from the 3000 or 3030 Series Pivot Sprinklers, and for up-top solutions look to the 3000 or 3030 Series Pivot Sprinklers or the R2000WF Rotator®.

Unlike on a pivot, each sprinkler on a linear irrigation system has the same nozzle size, so each device puts out an equal amount of water and the application rate is constant along the machine—avoiding the disproportionately high rate that can occur in the last towers of a pivot which can cause runoff.

An up-top application with R2000WF Rotator® Sprinklers.

Choose the Original Big Gun® Sprinkler for wastewater applications.

The Nelson Big Gun Sprinkler has a long history of durability and can withstand almost any debris fill or corrosive water, making it a good fit for wastewater. Thanks to the versatility of linears, Big Gun Sprinklers can be mounted on the towers when being used for wastewater application.

Big Gun Sprinklers on towers for wastewater application.

